St. Benedict Parish

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Next Divine Renovation Meeting 11.13.18

Our next meeting is:

Tuesday, November 13th at 7pm in Beaven Hall

Please join us for this discussion! To obtain a copy of the book, simply stop by the rectory, or ask any of our staff members after Mass. We will conclude our discussion of Chapter 1, and move on to Chapter 2 at this meeting. Below is a summary of our last session.

On Tuesday, October 9th, the leadership body of our parish met to discuss the book Divine Renovation. The entire group read the introduction to the boom, and had a lively discussion about the content. Below is a list of the discussion questions and the responses that were given.

Chapter 1: pgs 13-17 

In your parish, who feels “outside the walls” or excluded from parish life? What groups may feel the church does not love and embrace them? 

  • Families without children in the Parish School 

  • Those who aren't especially affluent (some Parish events are expensive to attend) 

  • Those who participated in ministry but have grown weary and have dis-engaged (lots of discussion about whether this was personal or related to organizational structure) 

  • It was observed that some of the groups that may typically have been left out, e.g, LGBT were not mentioned-implying that our Parish may be more inclusive.  

  • People who are Older 

  • People who are Non-Catholics 

  • People who are Divorced 

  • People who are Gay  

pg 17-18 “Deja Vu”

Do people who are currently involved sometimes unintentionally exclude newcomers? How might this happen? 

  • By not responding with enthusiasm 

  • Our terminology can deter people, building #’s, acronyms, purpose of committees 

This question generated the most discussion-not necessarily all on topic. 

*A conversation about whose responsibility is it to reach out and help "someone get in the boat with you".  The traditional Parish response has been we have a Mission Sunday each year where you can sign up. (Not infrequently, there are requests in the Bulletin for assistance as well)   

*There was discussion that this outreach sometimes worked best through a personal invitation-the invitation could be extended by anyone.  There was agreement that is didn't or shouldn't always be dependent on the Parish Priest to engage people, but that it could come from others on Parish Staff, a lay leader of an activity or even a peer. 

*One person mentioned how she had been approached by someone about participating in Eucharistic Ministry. They wanted to know how to get involved.  She had to refer them.   

*Another mentioned that when she greeted those around her at the beginning of Mass, she always told people her name.  The group noted that many times people just nod their head as an acknowledgment making this type of conversation hard. 

* There was a discussion about whether there could or should be some more active outreach by those sitting in the pews before Mass. (e.g just go to a different location and say hi.) 

*Sometimes people felt stymied, because they weren't sure if they should or how they should help. 

Some Action Steps for Group Members to Consider…

All of us should try providing our name when we greet people. 

This has probably been done, but maybe each Ministry, could have a sheet sheet, e.g. that is on the web that provides an additional description but also current information on how to join.  This would be really helpful for new Parishioners or others who aren't able to take advantage of Mission Sunday 

When we attend Parish events, actively recruit those who are alone to come join us. 

Page 19 to 22 

How do you respond to the command to “make disciples” How can we bring adults into the learning, growing, and disciple making ministry of the church? 

  • We only briefly discussed making disciples-but we think it related to the content above about DejaVu.   

  • Felt that a key to making disciples was to support faith related educational activities (like this) to help us continue to learn, grow in faith and more fully engage in Church. 

There was of course much lively debate and discussion beyond the points listed above.