St. Benedict Parish

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Parish Town Hall - Renew My church

Sunday, November 1st at 1pm

Please join us for a town hall discussion about the Renew My Church process. We are specifically seeking feedback about the proposed scenarios for the re-configuration of parishes within our grouping. This feedback will aide the Cardinal and his team in making the final decision regarding our grouping.

You can join us in-person, or online via Facebook and Youtube. If you would like to attend in-person, you must register by clicking the link below. Those joining us virtually can ask questions by posting in the chat on both Facebook and Youtube.

Can't attend? We still need your feedback.

Give us your feedback and questions by filling out the form below. Questions received before noon on Sunday, November 1st will be added to the town hall discussion.

Below are links to three documents regarding the Renew My church process, as well as a video explaining them. The first document is a brief overview of the general strengths and weaknesses of our grouping. The second is an overview of the proposed scenarios.

Strengths and Weaknesses (PDF)

Proposed Scenarios (PDF)

Parishioner Feedback Questionnaire


Lord Jesus, you speak to us today,

as you spoke to holy men and women

who have gone before us.

In every age and in our own time,

you call to us and say: Renew My Church.

Pour out the gift of your Holy Spirit upon us,

and so enable us

to hear you clearly

to listen to each other attentively

to imagine our future boldly

to discern your direction wisely

to persevere in your holy will courageously

to stay together in charity

to surrender our own plans readily

to embrace the greater good

to hand on your gifts to future generations.

May we remain in the holy company of

the Blessed Virgin Mary, the apostles and all the saints.

May their example and presence

inspire us with patient confidence

in the work of your grace.

We ask this of you who live and reign

with the Father

in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God,

forever and ever. Amen.