St. Benedict Parish

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Help Us Fund Our New Altar Server Vestments

It’s no secret that the albs, the white vestments worn by our altar servers, have seen better days. At the moment most of them are either stained, frayed, or torn. Not to mentioned, there aren’t enough sizes for all our servers, leaving our servers either tripping over them or looking like they’ve just had a growth spurt during the procession.

It’s important to remember that the vestments for liturgical ministers are much more than something to cover our normal clothes. In addition to being aesthetically pleasing, these garments make visible the importance of our role in the Sacrifice of the Eucharist which, as Catholics, is the center of our lives. These vestments should reflect outwardly the importance and nobility of this great Sacrament.

Please consider helping us to replace the old albs by making a donation. You can click the button below to donate online, or send a check to the rectory with “server albs” in the memo. If you have any questions about this project, please contact Jeremy Kiolbassa at