New Altar Candlesticks (Updated 3.21.19)

by Jeremy Kiolbassa, Director of Music & Liturgy
The prototype is nearly complete and the oil candles have arrived. Our craftsman will size up the prototype next to he altar and make any final adjustments before replicating the design for the other 5 candlesticks. He’s also carefully matched the stain on the existing furnishings so the new candlesticks will go elegantly with the existing furnishings. The new candles, in addition to being visually pleasing, will have removable/refillable oil cartridges . This will minimize the mess when refilling the candles an prevent the oil from damaging the exterior shell over time, which is why the current candles aren’t looking so great.
I first wrote about this project several weeks ago, you can view that article here. We are well on our way to having this project completely funded. Here is a breakdown of the costs/donations to date:
The new Paschal Candle stand (approx 61” in height)
Paschal Candle Stand: ($1,000)
6 Floor-standing Altar Candles: ($3,000)
Funds raised as of 3/13/19: $2,880.50
Remaining Goal: $1,119.50
If you have not yet made a donation, there are two ways to contribute:
1) Purchase a hymnal dedication by clicking here or filling out the form in the bulletin. All funds from hymnal dedications will go toward this project.
2) Make an outright donation by clicking here, or by dropping an envelope in the collection basket labeled “candlestick fundraiser”.
We are aiming to have this project completed by April 20th, Easter Sunday. Any funds raised beyond our goal will be set aside for other liturgical improvements. For questions, contact Jeremy Kiolbassa, Director of Music & Liturgy.