Sunday Sharing 7.7.19
Daniel Hughs, Director of Catechesis
Are we prepared for mission? In this week’s Gospel Christ prepares 72 others to go before him on a mission to spread the news that the Kingdom of God is at hand. Christ sends them out, curiously, with no money bag, no sack, and no sandals. They are to rely only on the kindness, welcoming, and hospitality of strangers in whatever town they enter. If they are welcomed, they are to eat and drink what is offered, and heal the sick. When they embarked on their mission, the important part of their preparation was not money or footwear, they needed to be spiritually prepared. God has given all of us a mission. We all have a calling and a vocation. How have we prepared ourselves? I know, I often get caught up in the minor material things. Perhaps when giving a presentation, I get wrapped up in the sound or the visual spect. While those things are quite important for preparation, it is even more important to pause and ask God for strength and guidance so that one can be spiritually prepared for whatever mission they may be embarking on. It is difficult and challenging sometimes to embark on a new mission. However, we are called by our Baptism to witness to our faith, even if we are rejected.
Welcoming the stranger is an important key to evangelization. How do we evangelize as individuals, as a family, or as an entire faith community? I know we have a vibrant faith community and many flourishing ministries at Saint Ben’s, and we are very lucky and blessed to be graced with so many disciples of Christ who are devoted to their mission. As we continue on our mission to bring people to a personal relationship with Christ or to deepen their existing relationship, we should continuously ask ourselves how we can deepen our own relationship to spiritually prepare ourselves.
How can we reach out to others and do an even better job? The best way to start is always with a personal invitation. Inviting others in our community or even from outside our community to join in a ministry, attend a talk, or even attend Mass, is the best way to evangelize. If something at St. Ben’s inspires you, touches you, or helps you to connect with Christ, invite a friend or neighbor. Witness to your faith in your words and deeds. Be welcoming to those who are new in our community. It is not easy to go out into our world as lambs among wolves. We may not always succeed. Not everyone wants to hear the Good News or accept it and receive it. That does not mean we shouldn’t try. However, it says in the Gospel, that the 72 returned rejoicing after their mission. We can all rejoice if we succeed in helping to guide and bring others to Christ. It is our mission to go forth and make disciples. We have the ability to transform the world as Christ and the disciples did. As it says in this week’s Gospel, “The Kingdom of God is at hand for you.”