Sunday Sharing 8.18.19
Kim McMillan- Director of Youth Ministry
Every day we make choices. For many of us, the first decision is what we are going to wear. We often choose our attitude and how we approach difficult situations. We can choose where we will spend our money and even how we will spend the most valuable of commodities, our time.
In today’s Gospel Jesus is cautioning us about making choices. His caution isn’t so much about what we choose to wear as it is about how we choose to act and how we choose to live as His follower.
Jesus is telling us that when we make the decision to follow him, we may face opposition from our peers, family and friends. To be a follower of Christ one might need to make choices that are not always popular. Jesus warns us to be a follower might divide families. Parents might need to make decisions that children don’t agree with. Young people may need to make choices that their friends don’t understand but, our choices are called to reflect who we follow; Jesus.
We don't expect to hear such difficult words from Jesus in the Gospel. But it is good to be reminded once in a while that the decision to do the right thing, the good thing, is not always easy and without conflict. In this Sunday's Gospel, Jesus reminds his followers to be prepared for difficult decisions that will bring them into conflict with those closest to them. Sometimes the pace of life and the bevy of choices and decisions we are called to make daily, can lead to anxiety and stress in young people and adults.
Peace of heart can be found through a practice of faith and belief in our all loving God.
We are fortunate to be hosting a speaker on September 16th that can lead us in examining our current fast paced culture and how we can help our kids and ourselves regain some control. Roy Petitfils will be addressing the 7th and 8th grade Confirmation families, but all who are interested in the topic, How Religious Experiences Can help Soothe Anxious Young People are invited to hear Roy speak. All those who work or parent young people are invited and encouraged to attend. The presentation will start about 7:15 in Ackerman Hall.
It is through the Holy Spirit that we receive the gift of courage (fortitude) that helps us to remain strong when making decisions that might be unpopular with others.
The fast pace of the academic year is quickly approaching. It is easy to get caught up in schedules and appointments. Consider putting time in your daily appointment for prayer and Mass.
Consider carving out precious time for your family to spend focusing on your relationship with Our Father. Save time for yourself and your family to eat together and pray together. Following Jesus, even though difficult at times, makes all the difference because it is the way that leads to eternal life with God!