How Can I Make A Difference?


Below is a list of websites with ways to help the local community during the pandemic. If you have any helpful resources that can be added to this list, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Getting Protective Equipment (PPE) to Health Care Workers

Healthcare workers are front line fighters against COVID-19, but they face critical shortages of Personal Protective Equipment nationwide. PPE enhances their safety so they can keep caring for our loved ones. This website connects those who have access to PPE with those who need it.

Matt Martin, 47th Ward Alderman

Matt Martin, our 47th Ward Alderman, has several resources and ways to get involved. The resource guide below links to a multi-page document with lots of helpful information. They are also in need of volunteers to help with their COVID-19 response efforts.

Shop in Place Chicago

This website helps connect residents with local small businesses while sheltering in place. Consider helping our local economy stay strong by shopping at a small business instead of a big chain.