To All Those That Continue to Support the Parish...

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A Word of Thanksgiving to Our Community

Our parish is well aware that far too many people are facing economic hardship in addition to the worries about contracting the Coronavirus. Our parish is deeply grateful for every donation that has been made and continue to be made online or dropped off at the rectory. Your continued financial support of the parish is deeply appreciated.

Please continue to pray for all essential workers, especially the first responders and healthcare workers, who courageously get up every day to return to the provide services for the rest of us. We offer our prayers for all who have contracted COVID-19. We send our deepest condolences to those who grieve the loss of their loved one(s) during this time. 

While we will continue to stay apart during this Easter Season, we pray that soon we will once again gather together (while maintaining social distance) back in our church. Stay strong, stay safe.