St. Benedict Parish

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THIS SUNDAY: All are Invited to A Prayer Service for Repentance and Healing

On July 14 the members of the parish community of St Benedict, Pathways Toward Peace and the St Kateri Center gathered for a viewing of the movie Indian Horse. Viewing the movie Indian Horse was suggested as a way to better understand the horrors faced by our Native brothers and sisters and their families because of Residential Schools.

Awareness of residential schools was heightened during a discussion in the Pathways Toward Peace community by the reports of 215 children’s remains found in a mass grave at a residential school in Canada.

Sadly, these residential schools, instituted by the government, were run in Canada and in the United States and administrated by some orders in the Catholic Church.

Knowing that leaders in the Catholic Church disrespected and sinned against our Native brothers and sisters brings shame and sadness to our church. To continue the process of awareness and seeking reconciliation and healing, St. Benedict Parish, with the support of the St. Kateri Center, will be holding a prayer service on August 29th at 4pm.

St. Benedict Parish cannot speak for other churches or for the Archdiocese of Chicago as a whole. But, on their part, the parish will acknowledge and apologize for the injustices that these residential schools have inflicted on Native American people. In addition, this is just the start of the healing and reconciliation process at St. Benedict parish. St. Benedict will continue to help bring awareness about Residential Schools and the core belief that Every Child Matters.

Join with the St Kateri Center and St Benedict Parish as we gather as a community offering acknowledgement and seeking forgiveness and healing on August 29th at 4:00 at St Benedict Parish.

More information can be read here: