Posts in Spiritual Life
#GivingTuesday is December 3rd

You can join fellow Catholics who are proud to say #IGiveCatholic on this unofficial kick-off to the year-end giving season, with your gift to a featured St. Benedict ministry:

#GiveYouth- GiveYouthMinistry

#GiveEducation - Catholic education at St. Benedict School

#GiveKateri - Native American Ministry

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Panoramic Adventures With the Pangelic Harp and Steelpan Duo

The St Benedicts “Tower Arts Series” present the Pangelic Duo featuring music for harp and steel pan on Sunday, February 25th at 3PM. The duo will take us on “Panoramic Adventures” never before experienced in the Chicago area. Harpist Faye Seeman and steel pan virtuoso Liam Teague come together to play traditional classical repertoire, original compositions , folk music and jazz standards in this eclectic blend of music on these beautiful instruments.

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