Posts in Music Ministry
Introduction to African American Spirituals

Wednesday, March 3rd at 7:30pm

Spirituals were born during the enslavement of African people in the American South, and are one of the largest and most significant genres of American music. A mostly oral tradition, these melodies were passed on and adapted by enslaved communities for generations. Each one has a unique and complex history, and often contains multiple meanings. We explore a selection of these melodies and discuss their influence on today’s music and culture…

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KABABAYAN: A Celebration of Filipino Identity

Saturday, January 30th at 8PM CST

This Saturday! Hearing in Color, a Chicago-based organization dedicated to sharing music, stories, and composers that have been historically excluded from musical spaces, is excited to present KABABAYAN. A free live stream, KABABAYAN is a multimedia event that celebrates the unity and diversity of Filipinos, and the complex connection to the Filipino identity through art and music…

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