Posts in Outreach
Fish Fry is back! Our next Fish Fry is on March 31st

Our Knights of Columbus Council 15052 next Fish Fry will be this Friday, March 10th in Beaven Hall. We hope you will join us from 5-8 p.m.

All you can eat cod fish dinner comes with fries, coleslaw, mac n cheese, along with a drink and dessert.

$15 for adults and $5 for children.

The Knights of Columbus are asking parish and school families to help contribute to keeping the cost of the event down with donations of soda pop, juice boxes, water, condiments, and desserts. Adult volunteers are also sought to make the event a success.

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Fish Fry is back! Our next Fish Fry is on March 10th.

Our Knights of Columbus Council 15052 is sponsoring three (3) fish fry dinner events this Lent in Beaven Hall. We hope you will join us on the following Fridays of Lent: February 24th, March 10th, and March 31st, from 5-8 p.m.

All you can eat cod fish dinner comes with fries, coleslaw, mac n cheese, along with a drink and dessert.

$15 for adults and $5 for children.

The Knights of Columbus are asking parish and school families to help contribute to keeping the cost of the event down with donations of soda pop, juice boxes, water, condiments, and desserts. Adult volunteers are also sought to make the event a success.

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Opportunities for serving with Youth Ministry

The Catholic Church is known for its emphasis on justice and programs challenging people to express the love of Jesus Christ to the world, by serving others. As we serve, we grow in many ways; more empathy, more awareness, more concern and most importantly, in our relationship with Christ.

St Benedict’s Youth Ministry is offering young people (8th through High School) several opportunities to serve this spring. Read more and sign up here…

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Creating the Covenant

With the goal to create a covenant to better serve the people of our communities in their relationship with Christ, this group has reached the place in their work where they need the input and thoughts of all the people of St Andrews Parish and St Benedict Parish.

There will be several chances for parishioners to view, listen, dialogue and contribute to the covenant. Please choose one of these dates to attend a listening and dialogue session. Read more…

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Creating the Covenant

With the goal to create a covenant to better serve the people of our communities in their relationship with Christ, this group has reached the place in their work where they need the input and thoughts of all the people of St Andrews Parish and St Benedict Parish.

There will be several chances for parishioners to view, listen, dialogue and contribute to the covenant. Please choose one of these dates to attend a listening and dialogue session. Read more…

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