Posts in Parish Life
Living your faith after Confirmation

We commissioned our newest Eucharistic minister this past Sunday at the 10:300 Mass. During the commissioning we were reminded of the importance of receiving the Eucharist and being willing to bring the Body of Christ to others. Yianni chose to serve as a Eucharistic Minister after he received the sacrament of Confirmation in March. The next formation meeting to serve as a Eucharistic Minister is on May 11th after the 5:00 Mass. Email if you would like to attend.

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Divine Renovation Meeting Notes 4.9.2019

The whole principal of the chapter is how to engage people in the parish community.

The suggestions take a lot of time.

How are we going to convince people to move forward and go with the vision the author is suggesting? An example would be the suggestion to have people go through Alpha…His suggestions are very intense and require a lot of resources and training.

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An Invitation to Pray for our Confirmation Candidates.

On March 28th at 7: 00pm a group of young people from our parish will receive the sacrament of Confirmation. These young people have been preparing for two years for this moment of Grace. As they complete the final month of preparation to receive the sacrament, St Benedict Youth Ministry would like to extend an invitation to our parishioners to pray for one of these young people, by name.

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