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Wedding Music Showcase 2020

Tuesday, January 28th at 7:30pm

Planning a wedding ceremony can be stressful and downright confusing sometimes, and we want to make the process as easy and pain-free as possible. We will be hosting a Wedding Music Showcase to help you through the process of planning your wedding ceremony or Mass. At the showcase you will be treated to a short concert by our talented vocalists and instrumentalists, and we will walk you through the entire process of planning your wedding liturgy…

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20,000 of our Brothers and Sisters gathered together and it was awesome.

There are few experiences in my life that have reminded me so profoundly of the size of the Body of Christ as the first night of each National Catholic Youth Conference I have attended, reminds me. An experience of parish or of high school can feel large but to see 20,000 people who are gathered because we have commonality in being followers of Christ, fills me with awe each time I experience it.

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