Posts in school
Blessed, Broken, Given~ The National Catholic Youth Conference~ High School age

“Preparing and going to NCYC was nerve-racking. I had no idea what to expect from this type of conference. All of my doubts and worries quickly diminished as I realized that I was surrounded by 25,000 other teenagers who were also there to learn more about their faith. Every single day was full of keynote speakers, smaller group reflections, singing, and meeting new people from all across the country. Some of my favorite speakers…”

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Family Centered Mass

This Sunday at 10:30am

You are invited to gather with our community in a special way. Children's Liturgy of the Word (CLW) will be offered, and all children present will be invited to pray together around the altar. No matter what the size or configuration of your family, we hope you consider joining us for this celebration!

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Christmas Eve Nativity Play

Our Annual Christmas Eve Nativity Gospel Play is right around the corner!  This is open to all children from Kindergarten to Fifth Grade. This is the form to sign up your child to participate in this years Nativity Play. Please sign up for the practices that correspond to the Mass you will be attending.  Speaking roles will be determined during practices. All three practices must be attended if your child has a speaking role. Roles will be assigned on the first day of practice…

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First Reconciliation Parents Meeting

November 19th, 2018 there will be a meeting for all parents in our faith community who have children receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time. This will begin at 7:00 pm, and end at 8:00 pm. It is fine if only one parent is able to attend, but attendance is expected. We will be discussing the Sacrament and how you can prepare yourselves and prepare your children to receive for the first time. We will also discuss how you can deepen your connection to the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

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Sixty Nine Year's of Receiving God's Blessing

This school year we will be graduating our 65th and final senior class. We are not going to phase out the high school quietly and sweep it under a rug. Rather, we have planned a year-long celebration of the gift of our parish high school. For 69 years, the high school has been bringing teenage children to know God’s love for them. Our parish has been serving these young people for almost 7 decades, and that is something for which to be proud. From Father Fasnacht, the founder of the high school, to the School Sisters of St. Francis who dedicated their lives to teaching young people to the current faculty and staff today, we celebrate all those who dedicated themselves to the educational and faith formation of our parish and neighborhood teens...

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Listen with the Ears of Your Heart

Nine years ago, Brian Sieve, a new theology teacher at St. Benedict Prep, thought to revamp how we began our prayer each day in the Secondary School. He added an introductory line before the sign of the cross coming from the opening page of the Rule of St. Benedict: "Listen with the ears of your heart." This short phrase describes the disposition that we need to be in before coming to God in prayer. It is this characteristic of Benedictine spirituality that being receptive or open is emphasized before the mention of being active. For St. Benedict each of us is essentially a "hearer of the Word." Listening, as St. Benedict would later elaborate in his Rule, is the fundamental attitude from which all other attitudes flow...

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Back to School!

As we look at ways to implement our new mission, some of our current spaces in the school got a face lift this summer; we also created a new space in the building.  What previously served as our school’s computer lab and library got a major overhaul this summer to create our STEM lab.  The room, which just two years ago functioned as two different spaces, today form one innovative space for learning…

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