OktoberFest can use your help!

Your donation of items and time for the three-day event makes it all possible. We need volunteers for setting up the courtyard on Thursday, October 3rd, and volunteers throughout the weekend with various tasks.  Students can volunteer and have this experience be part of the Confirmation Service Project.


Please take a moment to also review the variety of items we ask in donation to keep our costs down and we appreciate your consideration.


Questions regarding volunteering, please reach out to our Oktoberfest Volunteer Chairman, Kirk Wojak at kirkwojak1@gmail.com.

All adults who volunteer are required to take Protecting God's Children Training (VIRTUS) before the event.

Become an Approved Volunteer Today!

As we prepare for Oktoberfest, we look forward to welcoming volunteers back onto campus. We do need volunteers to help in many ways. It is important that all volunteers complete the compliance requirements so that they may assist as desired. These compliance requirements help us in keeping our campus safe from child-sexual predators. Completing these volunteer requirements is mandatory for anyone who plans to volunteer. Additionally, the Protecting God's Children Training, usually a 2.5 hour in-person workshop, is still being offered virtually for a limited time. They do plan to revert back to full in-person options only. If virtual workshops work best for you, please sign up for a workshop soon. For those volunteers who have previously attended a Protecting God's Children Training, there is no need to attend another one.

ALL VOLUNTEERS need to complete the following training and forms before they can volunteer for the school or parish events that involve positions of trust or working with children:

1. Register for Virtus//Protecting God's Children for Adults Training. Go to www.virtus.org, and select Registration on the left panel. Note: all participants must pre-register online to attend. Upon completion you will be given a certificate which should be turned in to the school.

2. Complete online background check. After creating an account at Virtus.org, you will be prompted to complete an online criminal background check. (The access code is "protection"). If you have already completed the Virtus training, but not a background check, please email ejohnson@stbenedict.com to receive a link to complete it.

3. Read and sign the Code of Conduct form and turn in to the school. CLICK HERE for a copy of the Code of Conduct form.

4. Complete the Child Abuse and Neglect Tracking Form (CANTS). Return completed form to the school. CLICK HERE for a copy of the CANTS form.

5. Complete the Volunteer Policies and Guidelines Form. Return completed form to the school. CLICK HERE for a copy of the Volunteer Policies and Guidelines form.

We do not want to disappoint any potential volunteers or turn any volunteers away. If you have any questions, please contact Erin Johnson at ejohnson@stbenedict.com .

For more information from the archdiocese go to: https://protect.archchicago.org/compliance-resources